We're changing the world. Here's how you can support us!

Join our 'Worldwide Network' of supporting individuals and entities and take part in the dynamic changes that are transforming our world by deepen your role and responsibility within the community. ​
We add a 'Membership Component' to our movement as a strategic plan, elevating a "Worldwide Network" of caring individuals and entities. Membership aims to unite people from around the world to take action and bring positive change, and is designed to benefit both "YOU" and "YOUR COMMUNITY."​ 
  1. Membership
    Members are the lifeblood of our organization and vital in enable us to fulfil our mission and sustain ...
  2. How Does It Work?
    With years of experience we have recognized the opportunity for an innovative way for you to save money ...
  3. FAQ
    Join our 'Worldwide Network' of individuals and entities and take part in the dynamic changes that are ...
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What's the purpose of Membership?

Members are the lifeblood of our organization and vital in anable us to fulfill our mission and sustain our business. Through membership we aim to help individuals to be socially accountable - to himself, his neighbours, and the general community.

Members can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of their communities, including:

Being a member means that, in the ordinary course of your life, you are operating in ways that enhance society and the environment, instead of contributing negatively to them. As important as membership is for Individuals, partnership is equally valuable for a business. It can help

  • forge a stronger bond between a business and  its consumers;
  • boost employee morale; and
  • help both business owners and employees feel more connected with the communities around them.

INTBU is a leader in creating opportunities in many aspects for its members. ​